Chapter: Order Management at Tecsys

Project Overview: I catalyzed the adoption of a user-centric product strategy through user research, analytics and UX design for the retail order management system at Tecsys.

Product Designer/Manager

Figma, Google Analytics, Balsamiq, Photoshop, TFS, Aha!

January 2020 - April 2020

Areas of Design:
User Research, Design System/Visual Design, Product Thinking
Once upon a time, user-centric product strategy was unheard of on the retail team at Tecsys. As the first product designer on the team, I advocated for the end-user in every decision I made and streamlined the design process to scale the adoption of UX design within the product. Read on to see the highlights of my experience on the team...


Tecsys and My Role
Tecsys is a company that specializes in supply chain management. Specifically, I worked in the retail division on the Order Management System (OMS). Along with my role as a Product Manager, I was the lead UI/UX designer on the retail team and embedded design into every decision I made. This was important as our goal was to create features and enhance functionality for the end user of the application. I engaged in various research activities including user research (in the form of surveys and calls with customers), brainstorming sessions to define user personas and analyzing the quantitative measures of the platform.
Notable Design Contributions
As a designer, I built a new design system for the application that was focused on consistency and scalability, and wrote up a style guide for this system as well. I established Figma as the primary design tool for the retail platform team and collaborated with developers to bring new designs for the OMS UI to life. I gained a deep understanding of the end user and initiated the development of a flagging feature to enhance their workflow on the application.
Project Status
This project is under NDA. Feel free to contact me if you would like to see some of the design work I did during this work term!